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Best Student Paper Prize 2012


The Organizing Committee of the Conference announces the Best Student Paper Prize awarded to authors of best student papers in Law and Economics. Students of all universities, faculties, and semesters are warmly welcomed to participate. Detailed information is available here.

“Polish Nobel Prize 2011″ for Prof. Tomasz Giaro


Prof. Tomasz Giaro (University of Warsaw), member of the Scientific Committees of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Polish Law & Economics Conferences, has been awarded the Foundation for Polish Science Prize, the so-called “Polish Nobel Prize”. Congratulations! More details here (in … Continue reading

3rd Polish Law & Economics Conference – Call for Papers


It is our pleasure to announce that 3rd Polish Law & Economics Conference will take place at the University of Warsaw on April 20-21, 2012. The keynote lecture will be delivered by Prof. Thomas Ulen (University of Illinois College of … Continue reading

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